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Posted: 1st July 2024

Nexigen Digital acquires Clickhost and SequelWP

Nexigen Digital has announced the acquisition of Clickhost and SequelWP. Over 3,000 customers from both brands will be transferred to VentraIP and Intaserve.

Co-founder and co-CEO Cheyne Jonstone described the deal as bittersweet but the best for their customers.

“This is not a business-as-usual acquisition for us. Due to personal reasons, the founders feel it is best to put the customers’ needs first, and we are happy to help facilitate this.”

Mr. Jonstone said that this would be unlike any acquisition done in the past.

“We know customers of Clickhost are relatively new to this business, so our first point is to ensure all Clickhost customers know that we will honour their pricing for the next three years – whether they have prepaid or not. And we will do this with the added benefit of around-the-clock customer service and technical support from our award-winning team.”

Mr. Jonstone said the integration would be quick and easy for customers.

“Given that most domain names already use our Synergy Wholesale platform and our proprietary software for migrating customers between hosting servers, we anticipate very little friction and a smooth transition to our platform.”